Depeche Mode is cool. Call it a hot take or call it simply that I’m old, but it’s my truth and I’m sticking to it. Their song, Everything Counts, came on the other day and the simple chorus played:
Everything counts in large amounts
Everything counts in large amounts
Everything counts in large amounts
Of course, I’m filtering life through my coach, development-obsessed perspective. Let me tell you. I couldn’t not hear it as a siren song for the small, high volume parts of life that have tremendous (often hidden) consequences.
Here’s a visual example. What if every time you brushed your teeth, you had a Jolly Rancher, instead. Two (or so) Jolly Ranchers per day..every day.. for years somehow adds up to Type 1 diabetes, excess weight gain, tooth problems.. You get it.
It’s small, but “everything counts in large amounts.” Now, I know you’re brushing your teeth, but you’ve likely got tiny habits happening at sneakily large volumes. The question is, do you know what they are?
1/19/24 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
2 Power Clean and Jerks
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8-10 Neutral Grip Pull Ups
15 Heel Elevated DB Goblet Squats
50-Yard KB Front Rack Carry
Min 1: 6 Renegade Rows
Min 2: 10 Push Presses (AHAP)
Min 3: :40 Max KB Swings (AHAP)
Wide Grip Bench Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8-12 Offset Push-Up Pluses (ea)
16 Alt. Single Leg Toes-to-Bar
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps of:
MAX Thrusters in :60
-3:00 Air Thrusters’-