I tend to gravitate towards extremes. I’ve always been enthralled by the edge. While I live my life a little further from it than I used to, I still believe that it’s unarguably the most interesting place to reside. It sharpens the senses and forces us to confront ourselves with rigorous honesty.
While I’m not suggesting that the most fulfilling life Is also the most dangerous one, I am advocating for a little disruption. Especially in creative realms – places where we can dare a little more. What makes artists special is their willingness to push boundaries and think differently. What makes art valuable is its ability to enable us to consider different ideas and perspectives.
“Art is Dangerous. It is one of the attractions: when it ceases to be dangerous you don’t want it.”
-Duke Ellington
That’s why great art has no template. It can not be replicated because it is born from specific circumstances that need to be challenged, from worlds that need to be shaken up.
So, what’s the takeaway here? Maybe there isn’t one. Maybe you’re satisfied with hanging stock prints from Bed Bath and Beyond and keeping it at that. Not that there is anything wrong with that aesthetic. I just think it’s comfortable and I KNOW that comfort is neither interesting nor conducive to growth.
If you’ve read this far, that’s probably not you. So, I dare you to challenge yourself to consider someone else’s work that makes you a little uncomfortable. Seek out something that’s rawness makes you think a little deeper than you typically might.
Even If you don’t appreciate the work, maybe it’s still giving you something.
12/13/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Test Day:
1RM Bench Press
6 Rounds,
In 1 Minute:
12 Lateral ball slams
Max Double Unders(71/53)
-Rest 2 minutes-
Every :90 for 9 sets, complete the following for load:
1 Hang Power Clean (70/75/80/75/80/85/80/85/90%)
Complete 6 rounds for time of:
10 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings (70/53)
5 Tuck Jump Burpees