When’s the last time you audited your conversations? Honestly, I just made this up, so I haven’t done it either. Nonetheless, I believe there is a high likelihood that the common conversation is due for an overhaul.
Great conversation is priceless.
Separate from taste and preferences, I’m curious what you’d say about the last few conversations you’ve had. Were they inspiring, enlightening, challenging, or helpful? Follow me as I attempt to make a legitimate claim without injecting my preferences into the mix.
I observe that much conversation is about nominal things (i.e. current events, gossip, etc). These conversations seem to have the “nutritional value” of a Starbust when compared to the nutrient dense possibility of conversation about inspirational stories and challenging ideas.
I think we all can upgrade our conversation quality. This might require some intentionality to not fall into common behavior patterns, or even considering a new audience with which to spend your time.
12/11/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Test Day:
1RM Front Squat
Max Double Unders
4 Rounds
17th Street Corner Run
15 Push-ups
20 Jump Squats
Find a heavy triple back squat… (RPE 9)
Back Squat (-15%)
Then, complete the following for time:
Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Shoulder to Overhead (185/135)