The secret to success

I was talking to a friend recently about training and the habits they developed around their movement practice.

“I didn’t feel like getting to the gym this morning, but I got my ass there anyway. When motivation fails, consistency picks me up. I call it “the Plan B to my Plan A.” 

Building habits is a powerful thing. It’s why we ask you to commit to a training time and why step 1 in DEUCE Nutrition is tracking what you eat every day. 

Consistency is the foundation upon which great things are built. 

I would love for magic pills and secret tactics to work. Unfortunately, the answer is always much more mundane.

Everyone has a million reasons not to be consistent- to skip training, to cut a corner, to find an excuse. That line of thinking is not productive. It amounts to looking for problems rather than solutions. Those who make their processes nonnegotiable achieve the outcomes we all dream of. 

Are there times to be flexible about our routines? Absolutely, but those times are most likely after you’ve mastered your routine. Breaking the rules like an artist first requires that you learn them like a pro.

We all fantasize that the things we want in life are a lucky scratch-off away, but then those things wouldn’t be quite as valuable would they? When we get real, we see their value lies in the work it takes to acquire those things. All roads, if we walk them long enough to get where we’re going, lead back to process and consistency.

12/7/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 Rounds:
8 Barbell RDL’s

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Weighted Dips
15 Lat Pulldowns
1 7th Street Corner Carry

10 Alt. DB Snatches(50/35)(Total)
10 DB Power Cleans
1 7th Street Corner Run



Every :90 Perform 1 Hang Power Clean
at 65/70/75/80/75/80/85%

Clean Pull

Then, EMOM 10
Even: 3 Shoulder to Overhead (185/135)
Odd: 50 Double Unders

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