The Perils of an Attribute Centric View of Leadership

I’ve got a question for you, ready? What comes to mind when I ask you to think about great leadership? 

If I were a betting person, I’d imagine that your mind began to accumulate qualities and characteristics that you associate with great leaders. Did you mind think of things like integrity, charisma, critical thinking, communication skills, etc? It’s common and there’s no shame in it. 

I’d like to offer a different approach. 

This approach begins with a premise. The premise is that leadership becomes relevant when there’s trouble. We actually don’t need leadership to raise the championship trophy overhead, take credit for a successful Q4, or lead a victory lap of any sorts. 

Leadership is needed when things go wrong. 

This is the reason we take on the perspective that we ought to separate leadership from attributes and instead connect it to the work that needs to be done. This concept was first introduced by Harvard academic Ronald Heifitz, whose seminal work is both timely and worth diving into. 

What do we get by shifting our focus away from attributes and towards the work that needs to be done? The main thing we get is responsibility. When things are challenging, I promise that you’

10/27/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 rounds of the following:

5 Sandbag Reverse Lunge (each)
:30 Suitcase Handle Hold (each)

For Time:
1 Block Run
50 DB Snatches (50/35)
1 7th Street Hill Run
50 Wall Balls (2012)
1 Block Run



Paused Yates Row

Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 McGill Bench Press – Left
8 McGill Bench Press – Right
16 Stir The Pot (ea)

“Deflection Test”
Then, EMOM Until Failure
:60 Assault Bike (52/46 RPMs)