I’ll be honest with you. I’ve written a ton of these articles. This is actually number 3271 to be exact. I genuinely feel like these articles bring value and I often wonder if they are worth doing given how unpopular reading is today.
If you’re reading this, thank you.
That said, rather than focus on who isn’t reading these, I’d like to celebrate who is! So, I’m committing $1000 to one of you. It will work like this. If you’re a reader who wants to put your hat in the ring, email me at logan@deucegym.com with what you’re working on right now in your life. I’m going to pick one person to find a creative way to invest $1000 into your development.
I hope it’s you!
10/20/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the follow:
6 Plyo Plate Push Ups
3 x 8 Stability Bench Press
1. 8 Barbell Push Presses (AHAP)
2. 10-12 Fat Grip Inverted Rows
3. 6 DB Pass Throughs (AHAP)
2 High Hang Cleans
1 Hang Clean + :02 Pause (~60%)
Then, complete the following for time:
80 Alt Rev Lunges
60 Hand-to-Hand KB Swings
40 Athletic Burpees
800m Run