No boys allowed! That’s right for an entire Saturday afternoon the gentlemen of DEUCE are asked to kick rocks to make way for an energetic ladies only event! The Ladies Only Strongman Event will have a movement workshop, a training experience, food, beverages, and wonderful company to share the memories with!
Strongman is for everyone!
Here are the details for this remarkable ladies only event:
What: Ladies Only Strongman Event
Where: DEUCE Garage – 110 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291
When: Saturday, November 4th (2:00-3:30pm)
Who: Any and all ladies!
Cost: $25 for DEUCE Students/ $35 for non-DEUCE Students
Interested in more strongman fun? Our 8-week specialty course, Strongman 101, is now enrolling and will begin October 30th! Curious? Reach out to meredith@deucegym.com for details!
10/11/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Test Day:
1RM Front Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
10 Heel Elevated Knees Over Toes
Split Squats (each)
Single Arm KB Front Rack
Corner Carry
3 Rounds
15 KB Swings (72/53)
30 Lateral Plyo Boxes
-Rest 2 min-
Complete 2 rounds for quality of:
:45 Rock and Breath
Then, complete 3 rounds f of:
Max Active Bar Hangs (RPE 7)
Then, EMOM 12
3 High Hang Cleans + :02 Pause @ 55-60%
Then, complete the following for time:
9-6-3 Power Clean & Jerks (155/105)
12 Pull Ups
30 Double Unders