From its inception, Pain Free Movement 101 has had the men and women who’ve decided that strength and conditioning isn’t for them (yet) in mind. The way we see it is that our students are often made to be the crazy fit person in their social circle, except we know that quality strength training is important for everyone with a body.
We made a course for folks to build confidence in the gym.
Confidence comes from the basics. Students of Pain Free Movement 101 can expect to learn breathing, bracing, positional stability, and a gentle progression into strength training at DEUCE Gym. Either you’re the perfect candidate for this course or you know one, so here are the details:
What: Pain Free Movement 101
Where: DEUCE Garage – 110 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291
When: Monday & Thursday at 5:30pm (for 8-Weeks Starting Oct. 16)
Why: Because movement is life.
If you or someone you know is curious, please inquire with teal@deucegym.com now!
10/4/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
12-15 Dips
15 KB Front Rack Heel Elevated Squat
10 Quadruped DB Pass Through (each)
1. :30 Max Lateral Plyo Boxes
2. :30 Hanging L Sit Hold
3. :30 Max Push Ups
4. :45 Max KB Swing
Weighted Chin Up
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6-8 Shoot Throughs
:20-:30 L-Sit
5 Kick Up to Handstand
Then, EMOM Until Failure
4, 5, 6, 7, 8… Toes-to-Bar