Well, it’s not a logo, that’s for sure. Part of my other job is consulting others about building brands and communicating that brand effectively. I’ll never forget one particular call with a business owner, where I’d asked him to explore the sensory experience of his brand. As we went through the lens through which humans experience brands (tactile, auditory, visual, olfactory/gustatory, etc), I realized he was describing his logo.
A logo isn’t not a brand.
Clearly, we aren’t afraid to put our logo on things. A special shout out is due to Sticker Mule who allows us to make thousands more stickers than any brand ought to each year. (Send us a message and we’ll mail you some!)
Humans can only experience brands in the way we experience the world, so if you’re curious about creating something you’ll need to think about the ways in which it can be perceived. While the five senses are pretty obvious, there’s a six way to create brand narrative and it’s my favorite.
The neuro linguistic programming (NLP) people call it audio-digital. It’s simply the inner dialogue that we are all running all the time. If you listen closely, you’re doing it right… now.
If you want to build a compelling brand, you should first know what you want people saying to themselves when they think of your brand. Once you know that, you should be busy at work trying to make that narrative true.
Good luck.
PS – if you want custom stickers, these guys have you covered.
9/27/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
1RM Power Snatch
In 20 minutes,
1 Block Run
15 DB Front Squats (50/35)
1 Block Run
5 Pull Ups
10 Alt Push Ups
15 Wall Balls
Build up to a 2RM weighted chin up..
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks