What’s the most unique yearbook quote you’ve ever seen? Brian Chesky could take the top spot. By the numbers, he’s in the running for one of the greatest American entrepreneurs in history. Chesky, who founded AirBnB, which went public at a $100,000,000,000 valuation, didn’t think so highly of himself in high school.
“I’m sure I’ll amount to nothing.”
His yearbook quote is shockingly self-deprecating, but his future couldn’t be further from how he imagined it back then. Was it only a joke? Partly genuine? He claims it was at least partly an honest sentiment, albeit tongue-in-cheek. If there ever was a time to open up your mind to the possibility of a reality you can’t imagine.
While life can feel hard and we are in an odd season culturally, keep a curious mind about your future. We’re living in a time where rapid change and exponential upside.
Keep going!
9/8/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 5 rounds of the following:
2 Power Snatches
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
40 Yard Bottoms Up KB Carry
15 Bent Over DB Reverse Flys
10 Weighted Evils wheels
Complete for time:
DB Cleans( 50/35)
30 Double unders
8-8-Max False Grip Ring Rows
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
4-6 Ice Cream Makers
10 Skull Crushers + 15 Close Grip Bench Presses
12-15 Hollow Body Band to Hip
Then, AMRAP 7
5 Chest-to-Bar Ball Ups
7 DB Front Squats (50/30)
9 Athletic Burpees