Well, there are a number of products and services out there that will take your money each month for this insight. Hopefully it’s accurate. Or, you can try these do it yourself methods at home for free:
Method #1 – Quantitative
Each morning when you wake up, take ten seconds to monitor your pulse. If you count your heartbeats for ten seconds, you’ll multiply that figure times six to get your beats per minute figure.
Note this figure in a journal.
You’ll notice that your waking beats per minute will live in some range of homeostasis. What you want to notice are acute irregularities in this figure. For example, if your waking heart rate is noticeably high, you’re likely under-recovered.
Method #2 – Qualitative
Mood is a powerful barometer for training readiness. The desired state is a neutral or motivated stance on training. If you’re feeling irritable, angry, or unusually resistant to a training bout. It’s time to recover instead.
These may seem simple (and they are), but you’ll have a remarkably clear picture of your internal state from these two metrics alone. After all, our training can only really be as good as we can recover from it. Recovery takes remarkable self-awareness.
Good luck!
8/1/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
5 1 1/4 Front Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Split Squats (ea)
Max Hanging L-Sit Holds (> :12)
10 Push Press (115/95)
50 Double Unders
Paused Front Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
8 Eccentric High Knee Box Step-Ups ea.
8 Sliding Lateral Lunges (ea)
:20 1/2 Kneeling Palloff Hold (ea)
Then, complete 5 rounds for calories of:
:45 Max Assault Bike Calories
-Rest 2:15-