We’re just over two weeks away from the biggest event of the year: Lift Run Hang 2023. Men and women of all fitness levels will descend upon Muscle Beach for a day of fun in the sun!
The seriously fun, but not so serious event is even better this year. We are proud to announce local heroes, Nosotros Tequila, will be joining our sponsorship roster.
Participants can expect three events:
- LIFT. This is a power-position-only weightlifting meet, which means no squatting. It’s for all fitness levels! (We even taught people the lifts on-site last year.)
- RUN. Nope, it’s not a 5K or a 10K or any other distance that matters. It’s a scenic 2-mile run to the end of the Venice Pier and back.
- HANG. This is a critical social event in partnership with our friends at the Townhouse. Los Angeles’ oldest operating bar!
Part of what makes this event fun is the not-so-serious “competitive” events, but the other part that makes it fun is what you get for signing up:
- SHOES. You’ll receive new and improved STR/KE MVMNT shoes in one of two colorways of your choice. The Haze Trainer is meant to support you perfectly in all three events!
- COFFEE. Participants have as much cold brew coffee as their heart desires!
- ADULT BEVERAGE. The first one is on us for Event 3, but you can stay as long as you like (and trust me, people will).
To give you an idea if this event is for you, we handed out some awards last year including “13th Best Lifter” and “Furthest Traveled”. You get the idea!
Grab a friend and get involved.
7/14/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds
of the Following:
3 Staggered Stance Strict
Press (each)
3 rounds for quality:
10 Half Kneeling Banded Face
Pull to Press
:10 Iso Leg Lift Hold +
10 Leg Lifts
1. 8 Hang DB Clean & Press (AHAP)
2. 10 Hand Elbow Body Saws
3. :30 Max Lateral Plyo Boxes
Pause Push Jerks
Find a heavy complex:
2 Clean Pulls
1 Power Clean
Complete the following for
4 rounds of descending times:
250m Row
-Rest 3 Min-