The (Other) Danger of Missing Reps

Let’s play the guessing game! Your coach is about to lecture you on the importance of not missing reps. What do you think his/her area of focus for the reasoning will be? If you’re like me, you likely said safety

Safety isn’t the only thing at stake when missing reps. 

The video above is a short and important message on what else we give up when we over extend and miss training reps. If you want to get stronger, you’ll need enough volume to make those goals a reality and missing reps almost always isn’t worth it!

7/12/23 WOD

DEUCE Athletics GPP

Complete 4 Rounds
of the Following:
5 Barbell Vertical Jump

4 Rounds for Quality:
8 Seated Single Arm DB
Overhead Press (each)
12 Banded KB Swings

For Time:
With a Partner
1 Bull Run
200 Reverse Lunges
100 Supine Inverted Rows
80 Devil Presses (45/35)
1 Bull Run



Strict Press

Complete 3 rounds for quality:
10 DB Reverse Flys (30X2)
12 DB Floor Presses
15 Plate Front Raises

Then, complete the following for time:

50/35 Assault Bike Cals
5 Rounds:
20 KB Swings (70/53)
15 Air Squats
10 Push Ups