After a particularly difficult bout with food poisoning, our Growth Workshop: How to Illuminate Blindspots, was postponed. Well, we have good news!
The workshop is LIVE this Wednesday.
The Growth Workshop is open to the public and participants can attend either in-person or on zoom! I’ve been fortunate enough to teach these general concepts (for any person of any profession) all around the world in the Hold the Standard™ Summit. Now, you can get a taste and this time the topic is all about how to uncover blindspots.
We all have them. Frankly, they are dangerous and your most important duty is to discover what’s in your blindspots.
Join me on Zoom or in person Wednesday, July 12th at 6:45pm! Secure your place now by purchasing a red DEUCE Journal.
7/10/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
1RM Power Clean & Jerk
5 Rounds
In :60
7th Street Corner Run
Max Push Presses (95/65)
-Rest 2 Min-
Eccentric Ring Muscle Up
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
:15 Bottom Support Holds
6-8 Candlestick Rolls
Then, every 3 minutes for 6 rounds, complete the following:
Odd: 2:00 Max Meters Row
Even: 12 Sumo Deadlifts (AHAP)