Join us for a FREE community workout Tuesday July 4th starting at 9:00am. This event is both free and open to the public as a way to celebrate our American freedoms and the brave men and women who fight for those freedoms.
All fitness levels are welcome!
Participants can expect to take on a variation of the hero workout “Loredo” named posthumously after U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo who was killed at the age of 34 by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. Staff Sergeant Loredo is survived by his wife and three children.
See you there!
7/4/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
(Closed – see Hero Workout at DEUCE Garage)
Complete 6 rounds for time:
24 Air Squats
24 Push Ups
24 Walking Lunges
400m Run