I hate peer pressure. I specifically loathe peer pressure from fitness professionals to potential customers. It feels gross and is generally no good way to get someone to change their lifestyle.
Now, peer-to-peer pressure between two folks both enrolled in the same intended outcome (like one student pressuring another student) is a horse of a different color. That kind of peer pressure, my friends, is what makes the world of fitness go ‘round.
This is tough and, frankly, once you’re inside, there might not be another more helpful community, peer-to-peer pressure and accountability. As I say this, you might be hearing this from one of the obvious two sides. On one hand, we have the notion of giving peer pressure. On the other hand, we have the notion of receiving it well.
I’m talking about both.
If you’re out of the peer pressure game completely, then jump in. The water is warm. Chances are, though, you’ve got one of the two styles happening. Either you’ve got friends and classmates in your ear about holding you accountable. Start listening! Your next move is to reach out to someone who needs a nudge from you! If you’re in the camp of applying healthy peer pressure to folks, you could benefit from inviting others to nudge you to the next level.
Get to it. As they’d say in the old SNL Coffee Talk skits, “Tawk amongst yourselves.”
6/23/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Lateral Front Rack Landmine Lunges (ea)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Landmine Push-ups
1 7th Street Corner KB Carry
Minute 1: :40 Max Double unders
Minute 2: 10 Wall Balls
Minute 3: 7th Street Corner Sprint
Find a 1RM Strict Press…
Then, alternating rounds with a partner, AMRAP 11
2 Power Cleans (155/105)
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead
10 Up Downs
Finisher: 3x 30 Bent Rows