The extended family of DEUCE gentlemen are invited for a casual hang this Thursday June 22nd starting at 7:00pm at the Pen Mar. The men’s event will be a casual get together around the picnic tables as a time to build strong relationships and bonds outside of the gym context.
Come meet other positive-minded people!
Positive social events are a cornerstone to leading a healthy life and we hope you’ll come join us. Feel free to come late and/or leave early. This event is extremely casual.
6/19/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
5 Barbell Glute Bridges
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Roller Hamstring Curls
12 Goblet Hold Curtsy Lunges
Minute 1: 6 Neutral Grip Pull-ups
Minute 2: 8 KB Push Presses
Minute 3: 10 Lateral Ball Slams
Find a 1RM back squat..
Then, compete the following for time:
21-15-9 DB Hang Cleans (50/30)
9-15-21 Pull Ups
400m Run