When you meet Raul, it’s hard to imagine he’s ever had significant troubles let alone being in trouble. His kind heart is beaming in the world these days as his entrepreneurial venture as a tattoo artist continues to grow.
Throughout his time in our non-profit, DEUCE Community Inc [501(c)3], he always impressed us with his brilliant mind and thoughtful demeanor. Since then, he continues to crush it.
He’s a lifetime member of DEUCE Community Inc.
We’re so proud of his transformation and continue to watch him champion his life to new remarkable levels.
6/11/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds
of the following:
40 yard Sled Rows
15 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Dips
2 rounds for time:
10 Devils Presses(50/35)
1 Bull Run
10 DB Hang Power Cleans
1 Bull Run
8 Renegade Rows
1 7th Street Corner Run
8 Front Squats
1 7th Street Corner Run
Make 3 attempts at the following cluster:
2 Back Squats
-Rest :20-
1 Back Squat
-Rest :20-
1 Back Squat
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
60 KB Swings (53/35)
400m Run
20 Box Jumps (24/20)