It was a bright morning in late 2009. In some ways, it was the best of times. My responsibilities were pretty concise: train, improve, read, make rent. On this particular morning, I said something out loud that I 1) will never forget and 2) sincerely regret.
When I looked at the board for the day’s training, it didn’t look like much. There wasn’t much Expo marker ink on the board and, mentally, I felt like things were pretty straight forward.
“This doesn’t look so bad.”
Well, it was bad. In fact, it was bad because it was “straight forward.” Intensity in the gym is usually the removal of distractions to the opportunity for intensity. I’ll say that again for effect. Intensity in the gym is usually the removal of distractions to the opportunity for intensity. So, when it comes to evaluating training, I’d say we ought to respect simplicity. There might not be anything more intense than “in seven minutes, run as far as possible” or “complete five sets of five back squats for load.”
When you look at the board and don’t see much. Instead of letting your guard down, brace yourself.
6/7/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
4 rounds
3 Banded Box Squat
14 DB Reverse Lunges(50/35)
12 Push-ups
10 DB Hang Power Cleans
Every :90 for 4 sets, complete the following for load:
1 Push Jerk
2 Split Jerks
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Ab Roll Outs
12-15 GHD Hip Ext
100’ Rev Sled Drag
Then, every 4 minutes for 4 sets, complete the following for decreasing time:
400m Run