You ever see someone wearing a fancy outfit and they just can’t pull it off? It happens all the time with fancy hats or any other statement piece. For whatever reason it is awkward and feels contrived.
This is the fine line of embodiment.
Embodiment is true alignment in a role (or, in this case, an outfit). It’s the eclipse of an individual’s projection and who he/she really. You can wear a fancy outfit and be out of fashion on account of embodiment alone.
The beauty of embodiment is that it brings a value that feels intangible. It’s a true sum-is-greater-than-the-parts scenario. If you’re in the business of creating value or if you’re a human longing for real connection, you’ll need to be an embodied person to have a chance at either.
I believe MC Breed first said: “There ain’t no future in yo frontin’.”
4/25/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds for max distance:
3 Double Kneeling Medball Chest Pass
Then, Find a 5RM Seated Pin Strict Press
Then, EMOM 16
Min1: :30 Max Double Unders
Min 2: :30 Max Push Ups
Min 3: :30 Max Air Squats
Min 4: :30 Max Inverted Rows
1-Arm DB Bench (ea)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 1-Arm DB Push Presses + 100’ Overhead Carry – Left
6 1-Arm DB Push Presses + 100’ Overhead Carry – Right
12-15 Lat Pull Downs
Then, complete 15 rounds for time of:
1 Box Jump (30/24)
3 Toes-to-Bar
7 DB Goblet Squats (50/30)