I’ll never forget during the buildout of our Venice Beach location all the coaches did a lunchtime workout. The idea was to break up all the painting, construction, and odds and ends of opening a facility with some training. It was the first time we’d run down Lincoln for a 200m run.
It was surprisingly uncomfortable. I wondered, “Is this a place to run 200s?” After all, before we decided this thoroughfare would represent some sort of fitness training interval it was just a sidewalk. Every other time I’d run a route at a gym, it was the 200 or the 400m run route. What I had been bathing in was a reality that I took as real when, in fact, someone just made it all up just like we did.
Someone made this and everything else up.
Starting a business is eye-opening in lots of ways like this because you realize how much everything is made up. It’s exciting!
Consider that so much of your life that you assume is a real, bonafide, official thing is, in fact, just made up. If it’s all made up, then that means the opportunities are endless for you and I to continue to make the world we want to live in!
Keep going.
4/21/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds:
6 KB Stability Front Rack Reverse Lunges (ea)
12-15 Dips
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps of:
In :90
1 7th Street Corner Run
Max Devil Presses (40/30)
-Rest 2:30-
High Hang Power Clean
Power Clean
1 Strict Pull Up
3 Burpees
7 Jump Squats
At 10 minutes, complete 8 rounds for time of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats