I was recently promoted to a new belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Like most tests or milestones, it’s more symbolic than anything. After all, are you unfit to drive the day before you pass your driver’s test?
There is no substitute for the time growth takes.
At what point did I reach the skill level associated with my new belt color? Who knows, but it surely wasn’t the moment they tied the belt around my waste. My favorite thing about this process with jiu-jitsu, though, is the built-in assumption of time. Earning a new belt level demonstrates a certain time under tension that cannot be skipped or expedited, which changes expectations.
Outside of obvious environments like jiu-jitsu, though, expectations can be amiss. In fact, many folks come into the gym expecting to get things that frankly will take time. They will specifically take longer than you or anyone would like, in fact.
Greg Glassman once said, “It takes ten years to obtain a mature squat.” I can confirm that almost no one has that expectation of the air squat. Nonetheless, it’s true.
Rather than wishing the road to mastery was quicker, I’d encourage anyone to settle in. In fact, the only thing that can get in the way of achieving your best self is rushing the process.
Settle in.
4/20/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 Rounds
of the following:
10-15 Pause Supine Inverted Row
40 Yard Lateral Crossover Sled Drag
10-15 Weighted Overhead Plate Sit Ups
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
6 DB Push Presses (50/35)
10 DB Deadlifts
40 Double Unders
Complete 2 rounds for quality:
8 Alt 1-Leg Lateral Jumps (2-Foot Landing)
6 Manual Resisted Clam Shells – Left
6 Manual Resisted Clam Shells – Right
Split Squat (ea)
Every 6 minutes for 3 rounds, complete the following for descending times:
12 DB Devil’s Presses (45/25)
400m Run