I went back and forth for quite some time about sharing this publicly. At the end of the day, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t and someone could have helped.
We’re almost there!
For over ten years, we’ve had a specific vision to one day purchase our building (and the adjacent building) for much-needed expansion of our offerings. I’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes with a small group of investors to secure financing for this project and, finally, that time has come!
You see, not completing this deal means this land will be sold to someone else and, ultimately, DEUCE’s time would come to an end at 110 Lincoln. The upside, however, is this investment cash flows positively and has both short-term and long-term options for returns. We need one or two more limited partners to get us over the finish line and time is of the essence.
Would you or someone you know like to partner in this opportunity? Let’s discuss: logan@deucegym.com
4/12/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Find a 1RM strict press..
Drop Sets: 3x 10 Strict Press
Complete the following for Time:
1 Bull Run
40 Push Ups
1 Bull Run
30 Burpees
1 Bull Run
20 Pull Ups
Back Squat
1 Power Clean (155/105)
3 Strict Pull Ups
5 Over-the-Bar Burpees
-Rest 3 Min-
400m Run
Max Power Clean (155/105)