There is one metric that stands over the rest when it comes to retention. The data is clear, people that show up to the gym don’t quit. Our technology partner, PushPress, published the data to its customers last month declaring unequivocally that people who check-in the most to the thousands of facilities that they provide customer relationship management are least likely to quit. Simply put, the data shows that going to the gym works.
Conversely, not going to the gym definitely doesn’t work.
From a coach/administrator perspective, I can corroborate that unequivocally the people who commonly cite that their “schedules have changed” or get a “twisted ankle” or need to “watch finances” are folks that struggle to show up prior to the alleged reason for leaving. It’s not always true, but a strong 80/20 rule will suffice here.
What does that mean for you? Go. To. The. Gym. It’s not a luxury. It’s not extra. It’s not something that “would be nice.” It’s something that folks who have success have made mandatory in their lives.
The data speaks for itself. Get in here.
4/10/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Make 3 attempts at the following complex:
1 Push Jerk
1 Front Squat
1 Split Jerk
Complete the following for time:
80 Squats
800m Run
8 rounds:
4 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Pull Ups
12 Push Ups