People who don’t fail make me nervous. There are folks that either by miraculous chance or (more commonly) a curated path of avoidance have mostly moved through life unscathed.
Failure is coming and it helps to have had some practice.
If you’re not careful, you might think that the goal of life is to never appear to lose, be wrong, or be perceived as inferior. The reality, however, is that if you’re even moderately participating genuinely in the game of life, you’ll be putting up L’s constantly.
When your version of the world includes failure and iteration, the pain of making mistakes and taking losses doesn’t hurt nearly as bad. Furthermore, mini-losses prepare you for life’s big ones.
If you’re of the belief that failure isn’t your thing, beware. You should be practicing!
4/4/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
8 Strict Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6-8 Pause Neutral Grip Pull Ups
12 DB Rear Flys
Then, with a partner, AMRAP 10
30 Double Unders
20 Forward Lunges
10 Push Ups
Odd: :20 Max Double Unders
Even: 10-12 Hollow Rocks
Pendlay Row
Then, AMRAP 9
1, 2, 3, 4.. Power Snatches (115/75)
5 Over-the-Bar Burpees