You don’t need to be a creative for the skill of storytelling to matter. One might argue that our species survived because of our ability to share stories. This past week I was fortunate enough to work with some of the most powerful and effective authorities on the topic of storytelling and speechwriting.
While frameworks never do the work for you, I do find them incredibly helpful. According to Ty Spells, every great story of transformation includes:
- A Sense of Normalcy (Sets the Scene)
- An Explosion (or Disruption)
- A New Normal (Where They are Now – Transformed)
Now, this won’t make you an instant hit at your next dinner party or get you elected to office by itself, but it is a foundation and a strong start. Ty offered additional elements for any great story if you want to take it a step further. According to the renowned speech coach, a great story needs the following:
- A Character
- The Ability to Elicit Empathy/Emotion
- Specific Details (that You Can Visualize)
- A Moment
Whether you’re a storyteller by trade or you are simply a human being in connection to others, I hope you put these foundational elements to use. Happy storytelling!
3/31/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Back Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Barbell Glute Bridges
1 40 Yard Bottoms Up KB Press
Then, EMOM 12
Min 1: 10 Fat Bar Inverted Rows
Min 2: 10 DB Floor Press
Min 3: :30 Max Double Unders
Alt Barbell Lunges
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 Paused Deadlifts (Below-the-Knee)
8 3-Way Med Ball Series
12-15 GHD Hip Ext
Odd: :30 Max Meters Row
Even: 12 Wall Balls