Just yesterday evening I was working on the GPP programming for April which is due to the team for critique when a song came on my Pandora station. The song was beautiful and the very simple chorus is the inspiration for today’s blog article.
If you’re looking for somebody who
Will love you through the night
And be there in the morning with
The same look in their eyes
If you’re looking for somebody who
Will listen to your thoughts
And understand the way you feel
With no words at all
If you need appreciation
Without compensation
Someone to give you what you need
If you’re looking for some magic
That will not end tragic
Darling, all I ask is you consider me
Consider me
Consider me
Consider me
Won’t you consider me?
The song is aptly titled ‘Consider Me’ by Allen Stone. While I wasn’t feeling connected to the track for its hopeless romantic tone, I did find profound meaning in the chorus and how it seemingly begs the listener to consider something.
I found it timely since the things we don’t consider are often living in our blind spots. They are, by definition, outside of our awareness. We’ve had many well-traveled conversations by way of this blog, the entire premise of the Hold the Standard Summit, and much of our work as an organization to essentially acknowledge and grow from that which is living outside of our perception.
The obvious question to ask, then, is what aren’t you considering? If you listen to the song above, you might feel begged to consider something new as I did.
Consider it.
2/24/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 Rounds of the Following:
8 Renegade Rows
8 Dimmels
12-15 Leg Raises
6th Street Hill Run
12 Pull Ups
25 KB Swings (53/35)
C.A.T. Back Squats
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Heel Elevated Tempo DB Goblet Squats (3030)
12 Goblet Squats
8 Jump Squats
Then, alternating rounds with a partner, AMRAP 12
6/4 Cal Assault Bike
6 DB Man Makers (45/25)