We’re honest with ourselves about our stereotypes. Our training looks insane. Even if we know that training is relative, the optics still turn away many of the folks who we can help the most. So, we created a solution.
Eight weeks of intentional movement.
Pain Free Movement 101 is an eight-week course that is limited to just eight students. This course builds a meticulous foundation of stability, functional core strength, and helps students own key ranges of motion for the gym.
What: Intro to Pain Free Movement – Specialty Course
When: Monday & Thursday at 5:30pm (Starting March 6th)
Where: 110 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291
Why: Movement is freedom!
If you or someone you know has “a back thing” or is fearful of the gym, this course is perfect! Change your relationship with the gym with two months of expert coaching!
Curious? Email teal@deucegym.com for details!
2/22/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
2 Sandbag Cleans (AHAP)
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
10-15 Inverted Rows
12 Heel Elevated DB Goblet Squats
12 Plate Overhead Sit Ups
8 Alt Sandbag Reverse Lunges (135/100)
10 Burpees Over The Sandbag
-Rest 3 Min-
10 Sandbag Squats
8 Burpees
Build to a heavy single deadlift from blocks..
Drop Set: 2x 8 Deadlift from Blocks
Complete the following for time:
80/60 Cal Bike
12 Devil’s Presses (50/35)
40 Double Unders
10 Devil’s Presses
40 Double Unders
8 Devil’s Presses
40 Double Unders
6 Devil’s Presses
40 Double Unders
4 Devil’s Presses