That’s the way it always goes with learning, right? This Simple-Complex-Simple framework was first taught to me by my friend and coach, Carl Paoli. His background as a champion Spanish gymnast led him down many personified experiences of acquiring incredible gymnastics feats that follow the same logic.
Pancakes, anyone?
Rather than talk about anything too serious, though, let’s talk about pancakes instead. You’ll even notice that acquiring the skill to make pancakes follows this path.
- SIMPLE. Hell, the idea of wanting pancakes is simple (and understandable).
- COMPLEX. Things change, though, when you set out to make them for the first time. You get exposed to the complexity of what making pancakes is all about. I mean it’s basically an adult science fair project, right? You’ve got heat, a pan to prep, there’s a specific concoction of ingredients, and not to mention you’ve got the art of how to combine all those things without it sticking to the pan or the texture of the batter being wrong. It’s tough!
- SIMPLE. Once you’ve had your fair share of Saturday pancakes under your belt, the whole task becomes quite simple again. You don’t even need to think about it, let alone follow a recipe!
If you want some new tools (and if you’re a student of ours), you can future-pace the process through the Simple-Complex-Simple framework for some comfort and peace of mind. If you toil enough through the minute details of it all, you’ll soon be handsomely rewarded when your previously tricky task is simple as [pancakes]!
Keep going!
2/9/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 KB Front Rack Roller Reverse Lunges (ea)
8 Single-Arm Lat Pulldowns (ea)
:45 Weighted Plank Hold
With a partner, AMRAP 15
15 Slam Balls
10 DB Push Presses (50/35)
1 Bull Run
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean
With a partner, AMRAP 12
Partner A: Max Meter Row
Partner B:
25 American KB Swings (53/35)
8 Pull Ups
Finisher: 3x 30 Alt DB Plank Pull Throughs