Pop quiz! All of the sudden you’re a manager of an average musician. Your client has modest talent and his music isn’t very good. Despite the circumstances, how can you still sell millions of records?
Shep Gordon did it.
Not to mention, this isn’t the first time we’ve discussed Mr. Gordon. He would have a specific answer for the pop quiz above because he successfully did it. His first client was legendary rocker, Alice Cooper. At the start of Cooper’s career, his talent didn’t indicate he’d have the career he ultimately had but his manager had an idea.
Shep Gordon decided that if he could make every parent hate Alice Cooper, they’d sell millions of albums to their children. This backdoor approach worked like a charm. All of the marketing and PR for Alice Cooper was distasteful, raunchy, and controversial on purpose.
Chances are you aren’t looking to build a career in rock and roll, but there might be some learning here for you. Shep Gordon’s genius was an exaggerated understanding that success rarely comes from attempting to make everyone like you. The best art divides the audience. If you’re moving through the world trying to be liked, you probably aren’t going to be uniquely successful.
2/6/23 WOD
DEUCE Athletics GPP
Incline Bench Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 DB Tricep Overhead Extension
10 Chest Supported DB Row
Then, complete 4 rounds for MAX reps:
In :90
Bull Run
Max Slam Balls (20/10)
-Rest :90-
Supine Grip Bent Row
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 DB Roll Back Triceps Ext + Max Close Grip DB Floor Presses
12 Rev Grip Inverted Rows
20 Banded Pull Aparts
Then, complete the following for time:
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
**EMOM perform 3 burpees