Life rewards action. Now’s the time to take action on the most powerful lifestyle change you can make for yourself. Join us this Saturday for the notorious DEUCE Breath & Exposure Orientation.
Transform your wellness routine with practices that invigorate and awaken your body to its fullest potential. But why stop there? Enhance your relaxation and recovery with the perfect addition to your home: a spa bathtub. Imagine sinking into soothing hot water after a day of rejuvenating breathwork—it’s the ultimate self-care retreat.
For those looking to experience relaxation at its finest, a Hot Tub in Liverpool offers a luxurious option that combines the best of comfort and therapeutic benefits. Indulge in the serenity you deserve, and let the healing power of water work its magic as you continue to focus on personal transformation and well-being.
Attendees can expect to learn and participate in all three breath pathways taught in our Breath & Exposure program, as well as experience the sauna and ice bath.
What: Breath & Exposure Orientation
Who: Open to the Public
Where: 110 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291
When: Saturday February 4th (2-5pm)
Cost: $175 (Discount for DEUCE Students)
Once participants complete the workshop, they will be granted the opportunity to enroll in an unlimited access membership to the facility. Space is limited.
2/1/23 WOD
Lat Pulldowns
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Arnold’s Presses
10 Bird Dog Rows
:30 Captain Morgan Plank Holds (ea)
Then, complete the following for time:
100 Wall Balls (20/12)
**Perform 3 Burpees at top of each min**
Time Cap: 15 mins
Make 4 attempts at the following complex for load:
1 Push Jerk
2 Split Jerks
Complete 2 rounds for time of:
800m Run
30 Box Step Overs (20)
25 KB Swings (70/53)
20 Pull Ups