It’s a phrase my good friend, Brian Peters, loves to throw around. For context, Brian is a killer. A former NFL player with all of the character intangibles that movies are made of. When I first heard him say “find your beach” to someone, they were neck deep in a tub of ice like the fella in the image above it.
We must find peace in the chaos of adversity.
It’s a mental tactic to manage the difficulty of your current plight by mentally finding peace. Finding your beach doesn’t have to be a tactic to endure the cold, either. Breath, self-regulation, and any other means of stabilizing yourself when life is actively kicking you off your kilter is paramount.
I hope when relationship stress, work stress, or buckets-of-ice stress come knocking, you can “find your beach.” Keep going.
1/27/23 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
5 Double Kneeling Landmine Press (ea)
10-15 Fat Grip Inverted Row
8 DBL KB Front Rack FFE Split Squat (ea)
Then complete 5 rounds of the following:
In :90..
1 Bull Run
Max DB Devil Presses (40/25)
-Rest 3 Min-
DB Box Step Ups (ea)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Lateral DB Goblet Lunges – Left
8 Lateral DB Goblet Lunges – Right
12 GHD Hip Ext
Then, complete the following for time:
Jump Squats
Double Unders
DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks (50/30)