One thing you might not know about DEUCE is that it was built to be a certain type of organization. DEUCE is an experiment that combines lessons from elite sports teams, adult development, and positive psychology. In fact, we have two bottom lines:
- Revenue from gym sales
- Development of the people in the organization
All this to say, DEUCE has more behind the curtain than might be obvious. That said, I’ve been able to travel the world and teach in more than twelve countries and have shared these concepts digitally to even more!
I invite you to the latest cohort of Business Prep 101.
This 13-week course is self-paced. What makes it special is that each week I’ll be leading an optional cohort call to review the week’s materials, answer questions, and connect with fellow participants. This is open to the public and valuable for folks who work in or own small businesses and for folks with an idea for a future business.
Each week you can expect:
- A weekly concept lecture
- A weekly short reading assignment
- A weekly diverse case study across industries
- A weekly actionable assignment
- A weekly recorded video call
Scores of entrepreneurs have taken this course across industries and seen success. JOIN US!
1/12/23 WOD
3 Box Jumps
2 Dynamic Effort Banded Deadlifts
Then, complete 3 rounds of the following:
8 DB Push Presses (50/35)
16 Ball Slams
-Rest 2 Min-
Even: :20 Max Strict Chin Ups
Odd: 12-15 Hollow Rocks
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Rev Grip Bent Rows
10 DB Arnold Presses
12-15 Lat Pull Downs
Then, complete the following for time:
15 Toes-to-Bar
20 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)
400m Run
20 Power Snatches
15 Toes-to-Bar