Growing up and still to this day, I have always been the guy that hasn’t had a ton of friends. Now don’t feel bad for me because in fact, I kind of like it that way. Let me explain…
In High School I found myself in an interesting place socially. I was an athlete who was in advanced placement classes without most of my teammates and my parents didn’t let me go to parties. I didn’t drink nor did I care for gossip and I didn’t really care for academics but I tried hard knowing good grades would allow me to access more college opportunities. Quite the combination huh? So the result of this weird mix of social circles meant that I wasn’t really close friends with anyone, more acquaintances with everyone. The beauty of this situation I found myself in was that I was able to assume the role of OBSERVER in most social settings. Never being at the center of attention had its perks.
I quickly became fascinated with studying people and their behavior. I was curious about what made people tick and how their actions created specific and direct results in their life. My socially anxious and introverted self was able to blend into the background and decide for myself the person I wanted to become based on what I loved and disliked about others. Over the next couple years through High School and College, I realized what kind of son, teammate, leader, and boyfriend I wanted to be.
Fast forward to today and I still find myself in the role of OBSERVER. I have crafted and modeled, through observation, the man I am today and that man is someone I am proud of. The social anxiety has subsided and I constantly interact with people on a daily basis due to the nature of my job and I am able to show up for the people in my life exactly how I want to. Not to say I don’t have my faults but I never question who I am as a person. It’s a truly liberating feeling that has given me confidence that 14 year old me would have never dreamed of.
The point of this little insight into my past is to encourage you to take moments to observe those around you. There is never anything wrong with being the life of the party or the person with a ton of friends but it can be easy to lose yourself if you never take the time to watch from the outside. Self-awareness becomes increasingly more difficult when you are always at the center of the action and a high level of self-awareness will always make you a better person.
Define the standards by which you live by and watch your life change for the better.
12/11/22 WOD
Build to a 1RM Front Squat..
Complete 4 rounds for time:
1 Bull Run
5 Pull Ups
10 alt DB Snatches (60/40)
25 Double Unders
High Hang Clean
Hang Clean (Below-the-Knee)
Every 3 minutes for 6 sets, complete the following for time:
32 Double Unders
16 Alt DB Snatches (60/40)
8 Over-the-DB Burpees