You are just three hours away from understanding how to control your physiology in ways you never thought were possible. Nervous system regulation is all the rage and, as it turns out, if you understand the basic principles we teach in Breath & Exposure you can move through life with a supreme advantage.
You’ll learn to master your state of being anytime, anywhere.
Saturday, November 12th we’re hosting an experience to share the incomparable experience of Breath & Exposure. Students will learn the mechanics and physiology of breath as well as have direct exposure to the ice bath and sauna.
As a bonus, orientation attendees are offered an option to enroll in unlimited access to LA’s Premiere Breath and Exposure Facility! Have questions? Coach Amber can help via email at amber@deucegym.com.
11/10/22 WOD
2 Staggered Box Jumps
2 Dynamic Effort Banded Front Squat
Then, complete the following for time:
20 Barbell Thrusters (95/65)
1 7th Street Corner Run
15 Barbell Thrusters
1 Bull Run
10 Barbell Thrusters
1 6th Street Hill Run
Every :90 for 5 sets, complete the following for progressive load:
1 High Hang Power Clean
1 Hang Clean (Below the Knee)
Clean Pulls
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps of:
3:00 Max KB Swings
-Rest 1 Min-
3:00 Max Meters Row
-Rest 1 Min-