The most exceptional expression of skill I’ve ever seen came almost ten years ago. It involves one man, a truck, and a single wench. If you’ve been to DEUCE Garage, you’ve seen our storage container on the south side of the building. It’s a shipping container and it sits four inches away, perfectly parallel to our building.
When it was delivered, the truck driver of the flat bed backed into the yard and said, “Drop it here?”
“Well, we’d hope you could put it on the side of the building..” we said.
“It’s possible.”
But, it would cost us. Frankly, as I look at it now. It seems impossible to get this sturdy metal unit to wedge itself next to our building with the fence just inches away at its closest point and a tight boundary in the alley behind.
I handed over the $100 bill and observed the man deploy six point turns and unique rigging technique of the wench at the front of his truck for a symphony of movement mastery. He’d pull the two ton shipping container a few inches, drive around the block, reattach the winch in a new location, pull the shed into rotation, and drive around the block again to repeat this game of inches until the job was done.
Maybe I made a judgment about what mastery would look like and maybe I didn’t think I was standing in front of greatness when this gentleman arrived, but by the time he left there was no doubt in my mind.
Let this be a note that mastery can be achieved in anything. And, if you want to be a part of it, you’ll have to pay.
10/3/22 WOD
Front Squat (4x1x)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
16 KB Front Rack Split Squats
10 Weighted Evil Wheels
Then, complete the following for time:
DB Thrusters (50/35)
Lateral Burpees over the Dumbbells
Build to a 1RM Front Squat..
Drop Sets: 2x 8 Front Squats
Then, in 15 minutes, complete the following for reps:
40 Athletic Burpees
400m Run
40 KB Swings (70/53)
3 Strict Chin Ups
6 Hand Release Push Ups
9 Jump Squats