You know, when it comes to best things that I’ve done in my life, I find it’s hard to answer a simple question about them:
“What for?”
Most literally, what’s it all for? I feel as though many of us need, want, yearn for answers before we engage. It’s transactional, it lacks courage, and it misappropriates self-respect. A simple question like, “Wanna meet up for dinner?” can cause a lot of distress in this town.
“What for?”
“Will there be some kind of pay off?”
“Will I get a business deal?”
“Who’s going to be there?”
You see, this is precisely the 3,000th article written on this website.
In the last couple years, I knew this day would come eventually. In perfect harmony with today’s topic, there’s no band playing. There’s no cake, streamers, or celebration. In fact, it’s late on a random Tuesday night and I’m tired, but eleven years ago I committed to this and here we are.
But, what for?
I can’t say I had a list of desired pay offs from committing to doing these daily articles, so maybe it’s all for nothing.
Or, what I actually know to be true is that there is an unknowable list of unintended positive consequences from all this. I’ve since taught seminars in a dozen countries and met thousands of people around the world impacted by a silly gym website. I paid my rent for years with an opportunity from this blog to articles for magazines. It introduced me to heroes and friends. It’s contributed directly to a privileged life and, if you’re reading this sentence, it might have meant something to you, too.
I don’t know much, but I do believe that if you need to have a decided return on your investment in order to give a commitment, there won’t be much coming your way in this world. But, maybe committing to dinners, trips to the beach, and anything else can be for their own sake. Or, maybe they can be for some unclear benefit to be determined at a later date, but what do I know?
I think effort is sexy and you should give it an unconditional shot.
9/28/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Single Arm DB Bench Press (ea)
10 Single Arm KB Front Rack Roller Reverse Lunge (ea)
12 Hanging Leg Raises
Then, complete the following for reps:
6 DB Devil Presses (40/30)
30 Double Unders
-Rest 2 Min-
8 DB Push Presses
30 Double Unders
Take 4 attempts at the following for load:
5 Sandbag Squats + 100′ Carry
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
14 DB Death March Steps
12 Med Ball Hamstring Curls
Then, EMOM 16
Min 1: 4 DBall Over Shoulder
Min 2: 10 Alt Pistol Squats
Min 3: :45 Max Cal Bike
Min 4: Rest