I saw a meme yesterday that played a montage of money counting scenes from mafia movies with a headline that read, “Chiropractors after they invented CrossFit.” I think it’s important to not take yourself too seriously and to tip your hat to a good heckler. That was flat out hilarious.
The problem with this narrative, however, is that it removes responsibility from many stakeholders. How convenient!
Many people “benefit” from the narrative that difficult training is dangerous.
When this narrative prevails, many folks are let off the hook. The consumer base doesn’t have to do the hard work. The fitness authorities and coaches don’t have to master and subsequently coach the finer details. Furthermore, neither party has to get any results because the new goal isn’t developing tangible fitness qualities anymore.
The goal becomes negative: to not get hurt.
Well, let me call and raise you one in this narrative. What if seeing a chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, and even physical therapist isn’t a signal that you were being irresponsible in the gym? After all, that’s not what it means when Lebron James does or Serena Williams does or anyone on your fantasy football team does, right?
In those cases, they are just being athletes. Consider that working through aches, pains, and what my New Zealand friends call nigglies is just part of being a healthy active human being.
Keep going.
9/26/22 WOD
Build to a Max Set Pull Ups…
Then, build to a 1RM Power Clean…
Then, EMOM 12
Min 1: :30 Max Burpees
Min 2: 20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats
Min 3: 15 Inverted Rows
Min 4: 10 Body Saws
Take 15:00 to find a 1 RM Snatch…
Then, complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
Then, complete the following for quality of:
80-100 Sliding Hamstring Curls