They say “the map is not the territory.” While that is absolutely true, there is strong utility in a good map. This is true even when it doesn’t perfectly account for the nuance of the “territory” so to speak.
When it comes to learning, I find the Conscious Competence Framework the most simple and comprehensive view available. This matrix says that we move through four basic steps in learning new skills:
- Unconscious Incompetence. This means not only do you not have the ability, you are also unaware of that fact.
- Conscious Incompetence. While you still haven’t gained the capacity for the skill, you are aware of how you are not capable.
- Conscious Competence. You now have the skill, but you must think about its elements to perform it.
- Unconscious Competence. This is a level of mastery of the skill where one doesn’t need to think to perform it.
If you notice, the first step is awareness. Ironically, through conscious practice we can get so good that we can make it to the otherside of consciousness to automatic, unconscious performance.
Keep going!
9/14/22 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
3 Sandbag Loads
10-15 Fat Bar Inverted Rows
Then, complete 4 rounds of the following for reps:
In :60..
3 Box Jumps (AHAP)
Max Sandbag Cleans (120/80)
-Rest 3:00-
Kneeling Jump To Broad Jump
Front Squat
Then, every 3:00 for 12:00, complete the following for slowest time:
3 Power Cleans (205/145)
400m Run
Then, complete the following for quality of:
100-150 Banded Hamstring Curls