Forgive me as I ruin every Disney-esque hero’s journey for you. Does this sound familiar?
Part 1: A perfectly average person from a regular place grows up without much to report as extraordinary.
Part 2: This average person is called to a quest or adventure.
Part 3: The character refuses and resists the calling.
Part 4: The character receives help either in the form of divine intervention and/or real world mentors.
Part 5: The character decides to “cross the threshold” into the hero’s journey.
Part 6: Trouble arises and the gifts and talents of the character are fortified through tests, trials, and tribulations.
Part 7: The character must approach the deepest “inner chamber” to face the supreme challenge.
Part 8: Triumph! “And, you can, too…”
There are countless breakdowns of Joseph Cmaobell’s “Hero’s Journey” and it’s played out in many stories beyond those of just Disney fame. However, when I was taught this framework by my neuro linguistic programming teacher, Nicole Schnieder, I was struck by the ending. She offered the above framework (more or less) as a format for us to write our own hero’s journey, but she made it mandatory to end with those four words.
“And, you can, too.”
I figured that the lessons and power of the hero’s journey must reside in the details of how specifically to become a hero, right?! As it turns out, the most powerful and important part of these stories is the invitation and encouragement for others to do the same.
9/1/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8-12 Wide Grip Pull Ups
8 Single Arm DB Floor Press (ea)
:45 Hollow Hold
Then, with a partner, complete the following for time:
200 Double Unders
100 Inverted Rows
80 Burpees
60 Hang Devil Presses (40/30)
1 Bull Run
Take 10:00 to build to a 3RM Weighted Strict Pull Up…
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 DB 1-Arm Supported Rows (ea)
5 DB Half Get Ups (ea)
:10-:15 Ring Support Hold
Then, complete the following for time:
25 Toes-To-Bar
20 1-Arm Devils Presses (50/35)
25 Pull Ups
20 Alt DB Snatches
25 Chest-To-Bar Pull Ups
20 1-Arm DB Clean & Jerks