Controversy! When it comes to training gear, there seems to always be controversy as to what is an appropriate edge to gain from training equipment. The most classic debate, of course, is around the weightlifting belt.
We’re talking about a classic piece of training equipment: wrist wraps.
The Case Against
Generally the case against wrist wraps is the same case against any supportive equipment like lifting belts, weightlifting shoes, gymnastics grips, etc. The argument is simply that if you can’t perform the work without the gear, the gear is “cheating” you in some way.
The second major argument against using something like wrist wraps is that it will be a crutch, which ultimately holds back the development of the wrists and supporting muscles.
The Case for Wrist Wraps
Firstly, the reason for training is for positive adaptation. That’s true even if you’re training to compete in the same thing that you’re training for positive adaptation (i.e. powerlifting). That said, with wrist wraps you can hold more weight, hold weight longer, and make training reps you otherwise couldn’t. All three are required to optimize training.
Second, when pressing and supporting weight in the hands, the smallest part of the wrist is the relative weakest link in the structure supporting the weight. Wearing wrist wraps is simply safer than not.
Third, I’d like to address the notion of “cheating”. To which I’d say, cheating what? The premise is false to begin with. Training isn’t a finite game and the rules you have in your head about them are either made up by you or made up by someone else. If wrist wraps support your goals, they’re “legal”.
Furthermore, if you need a pair of performance enhancing wrist wraps, look no further. We’ve got a pair for you! We also have gymnastics grips and knee sleeves, too.
7/26/22 WOD
Complete the following for quality of:
8-6-4-4 Front Squat
8 2-1 Hamstring Curls (ea)
Then, complete 4 rounds for time:
20 KB Swings (44/35)
20 Single KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
20 Single KB Push Press
1 Bull Run
Take 15:00 to build to a heavy Back Squat…
Then, AMRAP 24
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 KB Swings (53/35)
45 Double Unders
400m Run