It won’t do it for you. Whatever “it” is, your process of becoming is just that. It’s your process.
Sure, if you want to become a great mind, you can make your way into Harvard. Whether you come out with a great mind or not is still dependent on what specifically happens between your ears while you’re there. Want to be strong? You can go to Westside Barbell, but it’s the weights you do or don’t lift that will determine if you become remarkably strong or not.
There’s an old Turkish proverb that claims:
“When an ox enters a palace it does not become a king but the palace turns into a barn.”
Be careful. Chances are you’re relying on something outside of yourself to do it for you. It doesn’t work that way.
7/18/22 WOD
Back Squat
8 Single DB RFE Split Squat (EA)
10 DL KB Swing
Then, AMRAP 12
8 Single DB Thruster +
8 Single DB Overhead Reverse Lunge (ea)
8 Lateral Burpee Over DB
12 V Ups
Back Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
6 DB Reverse-To-Forward Lunge (ea)
:20 Bulgarian Split Squat Pulses (ea)
20 Plate Russian Twists
Then, EMOM 8
O: :15 Max Cal Bike
E: :45 Max Burpees