Since we’re approaching article number three thousand on the DEUCE website I hope I don’t need to make too much of a case for the fact that I’ve spent more of my life looking at a blank page and a blinking cursor than I’d like to admit. On one hand, I can attest to the biggest eliminator for writer’s block is, in fact, a deadline. On the other hand, I know the pains of trying to force creativity.
There’s nothing worse than it being nine at night after a long day of work and sitting down to white knuckle your way to a good idea.
That said, here we are. The lesson is simple. It’s also a double whammy because it’s for both you the reader and me the author. The lesson goes like this:
If you want to be creative, you’ve got to be willing to be bored.
Creativity takes time and space. You can’t force it. It flows to you and through you, so if you want more of it you’ll need enough space to twiddle your thumbs, be bored, and have an idea for God’s sake.
7/13/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6-12 Chin Up
12 DB Pullover – Bench
15 Ab Rollout
2 Wrist Roll – Arms in Front
Then, in 12:00 with a partner, complete the following for reps:
Partner A: Max Pushups
Partner B: 20 Air Squats
**Workout starts with 1 Bull Run
** One team Bull Run at Minute 6
Back Squat
Complete 2 Drop Sets for quality of:
10 Back Squats
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (ea)
12 Alt. Goblet Squat-To-Leg Lift
Then, complete the following for time:
DB Thrusters (45/25)