A quick audit of any high performing team or individual, whether it be in sports or business, shows us that a major key to their success is an unwavering adherence to “the small things”. Those little tasks and responsibilities that seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things are treated with the utmost respect. Why? Because these teams and organizations know that without complete buy-in from every single individual holes will start to form and however insignificant they seem at first, eventually the whole will suffer.
There is no better example of adherence to minute details than that of a Formula1 Racing Team. From the pit crew member who replaces the left rear tire to the engineer who analyzes front wing aerodynamics, there are so many hands at play yet most of us only see the driver out on the track. However, we do take notice when the pit stop takes too long because the tire wasn’t put on properly. The details always matter but they are rarely noticed until something “goes wrong”.
“The devil is in the details.”
Nietzsche’s words have become a popular saying used today but the problem with familiarity is that it often dulls the effectiveness. Oftentimes the more we practice, the more comfortable we become and in that comfort we can start to neglect the small things that matter the most. The moment you don’t take a deep breath at the top of your squat to properly brace your core… BOOM! Your back gives out.
I know, there’s small details in everything we do from training in the gym to running our own company and it can be overwhelming. Solution? We create routines and systems that act as checklists to make sure we are taking care of the little things. Logan calls them ‘Best Practices’ in his book and they are what will help lead us to sustained success and high performance in all areas of our lives.
7/12/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
5 Hang Power Clean
8 Single KB Lateral Split Squat (ea)
12 Seated Lateral Medball Toss (ea)
Then, complete the following for time:
Lateral Plyos – Low Box
OH Ball Slams
DL KB Reverse Lunge (44/26)
Clean & 2 Jerks
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 DB Plank Lateral Raises (ea)
10 Paloff Presses (ea)
12 DB Gorilla Rows
Then, complete 3 rounds for time:
6 Power Cleans (185/135)
12 Burpee-Over-Bar