DEUCE Defends Title: “Cleanest Street in Venice”

With a little effort, we can maintain the profound title of inhabiting the cleanest street in Venice. While some say, “that’s not hard to do.” Or, “no one else is even trying, guys.” 

We say, “a trophy is a trophy, pal.”

Each month we gather a few quality friends and family to pick up trash around the block. With our group, the whole thing takes about forty minutes and for a moment we can bask in the glory of knowing there isn’t a cleaner street in the 90291 zip code. 

This little phenomenon has inspired others to take on the monthly challenge just as well. As of writing, there are around roughly thirty groups around the world claiming the cleanest street in their cities from Finland to New Zealand. 

Curious? Join us Saturday at 110 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 at 12:30. We will provide the gloves and bags!

7/8/22 WOD


Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

6-12 Neutral Grip Pull Up
6-12 Dip
12 Single Leg DB Glute Bridge (ea)

Then, in 15:00, complete the following:

Every 3:00…
1 7th Street Corner Run
20 KB Swings (62/44)
30 Mountain Climbers


Conventional Deadlift

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

8 1-Arm DB Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)
10 Tempo DB RDL (31×1)

Then, complete 5 rounds for time:

12 Alt. Plate OH Reverse Lunges (45/25)
15 Slam Balls
200m Run

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