DEUCE Gym is hosting an unprecedented fundraiser Saturday July 16th and you’re invited! We’re raising money for our non-profit, DEUCE Community Inc, which provides opportunities and development to system, substance, and housing impacted individuals. Things will kick off at 3:00pm and go until 10:00pm.
The tattoo pop-up event will feature four tattoo artists including DEUCE Community Inc. intern, Raul Diaz, whose life sentence was recently reduced. Raul has recently reentered society and is thriving as an intern in our non-profit work. In addition, DEUCE student and artist, Taylor La Fortuna, and Gina Serpentina will be tattooing from La Volta Tattoo.
Whether you’re getting ink or not, we’d love to see you. In either case, please RSVP here.
7/5/22 WOD
Take 15:00 to build to a 1RM Power Clean
Min 1: 1 7th Street Corner Run
Min 2: 2 Back Squats (AHAP)
Min 3: :30 Max Pushups
Back Squat
Complete 2 Drop Sets for quality of:
10 Back Squats
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Alt. Barbell Reverse Lunges
10 Tempo KOT Goblet Squats (31×1)
Then, EMOM 9
Min 1: :30 Max Jump Squats
Min 2: Max Barbell Thrusters (45/35)
Min 3: -Rest –