Praxeology is the study of human behavior through the choices of individuals. One of the most interesting concepts from praxeology that I’ve learned about recently is Ludwid Von Mises’ Human Action Model.
The Human Action Model eloquently describes what drives human action. It consists of three main steps:
- A Sense of Unease. As dramatic as it might sound, we are generally moved into action based on the dissatisfying feelings of our current state.
- A Sense of “Better.” With a vision of how things would look if they were improved paves the way for change action. You can’t change if you don’t see a way out.
- A Pathway. With a pathway, there’s opportunity. While this can be the hardest to execute, starting down the path is more powerful than knowing the perfect path.
There are multiple reasons why I am sharing this with you. Firstly, it’s a cool model that I’ve observed to be true. Second, I believe there’s agency in acknowledging a feeling of unease as the start of something good.
There is great wisdom behind feelings of dissatisfaction and its negative connotation doesn’t help.
Here’s my call to action for you. Look to where you feel unease in your life. I’ll bet there’s a tinder box of positive change there. Once you look there, you’re two steps away from profound change.
Keep going!
6/28/22 WOD
Take 15:00 to find a 1RM Strict Press…
Min 1: :30 Max Double Unders
Min 2: 6 Renegade Rows (50/35)
Min 3: 12 Supine Inverted Rows
Make 5 attempts at the Bear Complex for load:
Complete 7 Unbroken Sets
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
Min 1: 4 DBall Over Shoulder
Min 2: 6 HSPU
Min 3: 10/8 Assault Bike Cals
Min 4: Rest