We know the feeling. You make a big lift, exhausted and you drop the bar. It’s 50% physical necessity and 50% a demonstration of your victory.
That said, there are a number of scenarios where dropping equipment goes against gym norms.
Here are some examples of equipment that shouldn’t be dropped in the gym:
- Empty barbells. Not even from just a few inches above the ground. Bars needed to be loaded with bumper plates on both sides to consider dropping.
- Dumbbells. Even though many dumbbells are rubber coated on the ends. They aren’t built to be dropped, no matter how tired you might be.
- Deadlifts. That’s right. Even a perfectly loaded barbell (with bumper plates) shouldn’t be dropped from the top position of the deadlift. Part of training this movement is including an eccentric portion (downward action) of the lift. Plus, it’s illegal in powerlifting.
- Kettlebells. Even after 200 swings, the handle of the kettlebell would greatly appreciate being placed gently back on the floor.
That’s all for now! Happy training!
6/23/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts
12 Fat Grip Inverted Rows
8 Double Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press (ea)
Then complete the following for reps:
Air Squats
Inverted Rows
Push Ups
Squat Cleans
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges
15 Medball Hamstring Curls
Then, complete the following for time:
16 DB Snatches (70/50)
50 Double Unders
12 DB Snatches
50 Double Unders
8 DB Snatches
50 Double Unders
4 DB Snatches