In baseball the letter ‘K’ refers to when a pitcher records a strikeout. Strikeouts happen all the time and in many different ways but there is one way of striking out that makes every ball player cringe a little bit when they hear it.
The backwards ‘K’
This term is used when a batter is struck out looking. It is every coach’s biggest pet peeve and it is sure to leave any batter walking back to the dugout with a look of despair on their face. Why is it such an agonizing feeling you ask? Well, it means you never even gave yourself a chance. It’s like walking into a fight with your hands in your pockets, you give yourself no chance of fighting back and you’re sure to get punched out.
Striking out looking gives you the feelings we know all too well of regret and disgust. It leaves you with that nasty taste in your mouth that can only be experienced from a missed opportunity. These are feelings I’m sure we have all experienced regardless of our baseball experience and the worst part about all of this is that “swinging the bat” is 100% in your control. We are faced with opportunities on a daily basis that require us to just go for it and go down swinging but for one reason or another we don’t do it. Why?
I’m not here to necessarily talk about what holds you back from doing anything in your life but rather I just want to tell you to go for it! Get that bat off your shoulder and see what happens. In a world where our time spent here is limited, I want you to take the chance… whatever it may be. Leave no questions asked and take regret completely out of the conversation. The greatest things in life come from your ability to check your fear at the door and swing for the fences.
After all, YOLO!
6/20/22 WOD
3 Plyo Plate Push Ups
Strict Press
Then, EMOM 12
Min 1: 7th Street Corner Run
Min 2: :30 Weighted Plank (AHAP)
Min 3: 12 DB Snatches (50/35)
Min 4: 15 Inverted Rows
Supine Grip Bent Over Row
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Bench Press
10-12 Ab Wheel Roll Outs
Then, complete the following for time:
800m Run
20 Toes-To-Bar
10 OH Squats (135/95)
400m Run
20 Pull Ups
8 OH Squats
200m Run
20 Chest-To-Bar
6 OH Squats