The pun is both clear and intentional. When looking at the classic economic concept known as the “Time Value of Money” we know that a fix sum of money today is worth more than the same fixed sum of money in the future. This is true because of the opportunity cost of not having the benefit of the funds (which can grow) if they were in hand now versus a future date.
While in the health and fitness world the example is no longer financially-based, I do feel the principle still works.
Much of the adult population is playing defense with their health and fitness.
Folks either do just enough to maintain some semblance of health or do nothing until they “need to” (which usually happens when a diagnosis forces them into better practices). One’s physical fitness, however, isn’t just the opposite of sickness. It’s a passport to opportunities that can pay dividends now in the form of more and different quality experiences than a less fit person could have. And, high levels of physical readiness pay future dividends in staving off health issues in the future.
Even if it doesn’t feel like you “need” it now, keep in mind that fitness now is worth more than the same level of fitness later.
6/7/22 WOD
Find a heavy 2 Weighted Box Jumps…
Then, find a 3RM 2″ Defecit Deadlift…
Then, complete the following for time:
Hang Devil Presses (40/30)
Make 3 attempts at the following complex for load:
2 Front Squats + 3 Back Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Barbell Goodmornings
6 Candlestick Jumps
Then, AMRAP 9
250m Row
20 Alt. Pistols
15 Toes-to-Bar